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What's Happening?
Don't Miss Our Coming Events:
Care and Share Food Ministry
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has begun giving food monthly to Care and Share, an agency in Franklin County that has been providing nutritious food to the needy for 29 years. Last year, Care and Share gave food to more than 6,000 families! At the present time, Care and Share especially needs donations of canned vegetables, including corn and green beans, in standard-size cans. Other needs include peanut butter, cereal, rice/macaroni, dry beans, canned meat, soups/stews/ spaghetti, and canned fruit. Please bring your donations on the first Sunday of each month and place them in the basket at the back of the church. Donations will be delivered to Care and Share on the following Wednesday or Thursday. Thank you for your generous assistance to those in need of food.
Don't Miss Our Coming Events:
October 31st 5pm
Halloween Gathering at
The Parrish House

Don't Miss Our Coming Events:
December 24th 11pm
Worship Service

Upcoming Events
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